Whistleblowing Policy

Cambrai Risk Solutions is committed to maintaining a culture of transparency, integrity, and accountability. We encourage all employees, contractors, and third parties to report any concerns about illegal, unethical, or improper conduct without fear of retaliation. This Whistleblowing Policy outlines the process for raising concerns and how we will address them.

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and partners. It covers the reporting of suspected misconduct, including fraud, bribery, corruption, violations of laws, regulations, or company policies, health and safety risks, environmental damage, harassment, discrimination, or unethical behavior.

If you have reasonable grounds to suspect misconduct or wrongdoing, you should report your concerns as soon as possible. Reports can be made confidentially to whistleblowing@cambrairisk.com. Please provide as much detail as possible, including the nature of the concern, relevant dates, and any supporting evidence.

All whistleblowing reports will be treated with strict confidentiality. You may choose to report anonymously; however, providing your contact details can assist in a more thorough investigation.

Cambrai Risk Solutions strictly prohibits retaliation against anyone who raises a concern in good faith. Any form of victimization, harassment, or disadvantage as a result of whistleblowing will not be tolerated.

All reports will be promptly and thoroughly investigated. If wrongdoing is identified, appropriate corrective actions will be taken, which may include disciplinary measures, reporting to authorities, or revising internal procedures.

Deliberately making false or malicious allegations is a serious matter and may result in disciplinary action.

If you are unsure whether an issue qualifies as whistleblowing or require guidance, please contact whistleblowing@cambrairisk.com for assistance.

Cambrai Risk Solutions is committed to continuously improving its whistleblowing procedures and fostering a culture where employees and partners feel empowered to speak up. For further questions or concerns about this Whistleblowing Policy, please email us at whistleblowing@cambrairisk.com.